2021 Goals – End of year review
Because every professional needs goals, I set out some writing goals for 2021 in December 2020. Now that I’m saying hello to 2022, it’s time to check in.
These Cursed Waters
- Submit to at least 30 Agents by 31st December – So, I didn’t hit this goal, but something better happened! These Cursed Waters was shortlisted for the 2021 Text Prize, and I was the inaugural recipient of the Steph Bowe Mentorship. I have been working with the fabulous Amie Kaufman on revising and developing the manuscript to bring it to the next level.
The Selkie Curse
- A submission-ready draft by 31st May
- Including: Manuscript, Query Letter, Synopsis – Structural edits are done! I have just been waiting on some feedback from my beta readers. A submission ready draft will be done in 2022.
A revised synopsis for book 2 by 30th June– Done!
Bleed For Me
Do outline review by 31st January– Done!First draft done by 30th September– Done!- Start the structural edit in December – In progress.
Other Projects
Untitled new series #1 book 1 outline by 31st March– Done!Untitled new series #2 book 1 outline by 30th November– Done! The working title for this manuscript is Counting Stars
Other Activities (because sometimes you can’t predict the cool opportunities that will come up)
- I have written 4 out of my 5 blog posts on editing TSC as part of my outreach for the Anne Edgeworth Fellowship – One left to go!
- On June 14, I achieved one year of writing 500 words a day. It’s well and truly a part of my daily routine
2021 was a successful writing year for me and I’m looking forward to 2022!